It has been interesting 11-months: I learned to speak some Italian (mostly ordering in restaurants); how to make a few of Italian dishes (beef stew, walnut puff w/ gongorzola cheese, and calamari pasta); how much Europeans dislike Bush; how freezing Europe can be during winter ($%@#); how to be a friend to a cat; and how 'Californian/ American' I have become. I miss the warm weather, abundant various Asian cuisine, the beach, Sweet Tomato/ Fresh Choice, Jamba Juice, bagels, corn dogs, hamburgers, driving, speaking and listening English, watching Dancing with Stars and The Amazing Race, and playing Wii. But most important of all, I miss my family and friends. Being with Syd 24/7 for 11-months have proved that we won't kill each other, but we now need to embrace other people in our lives. :) It's time for me to hug and kiss a new person in my life: my newborn niece, Angelica.
Ok, so here is a photo of an Armani male model in the latest Spring fashion. If my memory serves me correctly, one of the first photos I posted last May when we first arrived in Torino was also an Armani Ad. 3 different Ads have been on the outer wall of our living quarter to accompany our journey in Italy/ Europe.
Arrivederci, Torino! Goodbye, Turin! Zai Jian, Du Ling!