Saturday, May 24, 2008

We are here!

Wow, can't believe it is really happening! :)

After weeks of organizing, cleaning, packing, packing, more packing, and finally hauling more than 200 lbs of luggage (Photo1: Syd with luggage in front of our apartment; one backpack wanted to stay in Frankfurt longer so it was delivered next morning instead), Syd and I have come all the way from Silicon Valley (filled with computer and technology) to Torino (filled with chocolate, Barolo wine, and what else, excellent cuisine).

I was finally able to sleep horizontally for 3.5 hours. It is 3am here. It seems like a dream that I'm in Italy... but I look around, it's not our townhouse in Milpitas; I went to the balcony, I'm on the 5th floor and the old building across has attic; I turned on the TV and it's speaking Italian... I MUST be in Italy.

The first Italian we met was our landlord, Signor Tuttucci. He was very friendly and helpful with so much information about Torino. He showed us the lovely apartment (Photo2: outside appearance of the apartment; we are on the highest floor which is just cut off from the photo), the neighborhood, and treated us to coffee (well, Syd had hot chocolate). Signor Tutucci kept apologizing for his English but we were more embarrassed about our poorER Italian. Nevertheless, he seemed to be very happy when Syd and I understood him. While we were having coffee, he asked what are our intentions in Torino. Without hesitation, I answered "Voglio avere una vita il bel far niente". ("I want to have a life of the beauty of doing nothing." What I really meant was 'to learn to do nothing'.) He nodded his head. It's wonderful that Italians understand this concept without needing to explain further. I think I like it. I can't believe I'm really here!


Jennie said...

Welcome! I'm glad you arrived safely. The apartment looks beautiful on the outside. I hope you like it as much on the inside. =) I can't wait to read more.

Unknown said...

Excellente! Excellente!!

Tung/Truong Clan said...

Congratulations!!! Glad to hear that you guys made it there ok. Enjoy your new adventure... =D